AJAX | Video Doorbell Official Release

Ajax Systems has announced a smart video doorbell with built-in artificial intelligence, an infrared sensor, and intuitive control via mobile apps. This device will complement the Ajax video surveillance category, which has become an important part of the company's portfolio over the past year.

Video and audio capabilities

Doorbell is equipped with a 4 MP camera with HDR technology, which provides a clear image in any lighting conditions. Infrared illumination works at a distance of up to 6 metres, making the device effective even in the dark. For audio communication, special noise reduction and echo compensation algorithms have been implemented, and, according to the manufacturer, the sound volume has been significantly increased compared to competitors' devices. This makes it possible to use DoorBell even in a noisy environment - for example, a gypsy wedding is going on down the street past your house or someone is having a party on your floor in an apartment building. Unfortunately, you can't connect DoorBell to your intercom yet, but we hope that Ajax will come up with something in the future.

Artificial intelligence

Since Doorbell was produced by Ajax, it is no longer just a doorbell, but a security element integrated into the company's ecosystem. Thanks to its built-in infrared sensor and artificial intelligence, the device recognises people, vehicles, and animals, minimising false alarms. This allows it to be used to enhance security at the entrance to the premises.


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